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  • Teachers Warehouse
  • What teachers can find at Teachers Warehouse

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Sunday school teachers, day care providers, charter school teachers, or homeschool teachers eligible to shop?
No. The only eligible shoppers are preK - grade 12 and all special education teachers, aides, counselors, and administrators who are employed by a publicly-elected school board in Brown, Greene, Lawrence, Monroe, and Owen Counties.

Can student teachers shop at Teachers Warehouse?
Yes, if they shop with their supervising teacher or have verification of his/her approval. Free items obtained by student teachers count toward the supervising teacher's basket totals.

Is there a limit to how much I can take?
Yes. Some items have limits. Some do not. For example, you may only take 50 fiction books, 30 pencils, 100 sheets of card stock, and 3 packs of sticky notes a visit. But, you may take all the manilla folders, 3-ring binders, posters, bulletin board borders, and envelopes that you want.

Do I have to pay anything to be able to shop at Teachers Warehouse?
No. We are a store without a cash register. There is no registration charge, and there is no price on any product on our shelves.

Do I have to do anything to be able to shop at Teachers Warehouse?
Yes. First-time shoppers must fill out a shopper's log, indicating where they teach, grade level/position, number of students, and contact information. While shopping, we ask that all shoppers record the quantities of items being taken on the shopper sheets prior to checking out, so as not to cause a bottle neck in the check-out process.

Are there any donations Teachers Warehouse does not accept?
Yes. See the list below:
- Magazines, unless they are 2011 or newer National Geographic
- Out of adoption textbooks and teaching materials for them
- Adult books
- Children's books that are dirty or torn
- Empty food containers
- Computers
- Used stuffed animals
- Used kazoos or mouth instruments
- Address labels
- Batteries of any type
- 3-ring binders (3" or larger)
- Crazy glue; rubber cement
- Fax or cash register rolls
- Toilet paper or paper towel cores
- Play-Doh or similar substance